[pe2-image src=”http://lh6.ggpht.com/-7DNE_hAHGKU/U7ht_1sKO8I/AAAAAAADbQc/YOI9aUw3vYE/s144-c-o/4721938707_6c735a4922_o.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/105041492449804846682/MarloesSitePhotos?authkey=Gv1sRgCOjW7f3e5e7JdA#6032692644374264770″ caption=”Lindsway” type=”image” alt=”4721938707_6c735a4922_o.jpg” ]
A secluded, sandy beach at low tide (with only a few rocks at high tides) overlooking the entrance to Milford Haven. Reasonably sheltered, good swimming, some rockpools at low tide.
[miniflickr user_id=47981017@N06 tags=”Lindsway, beach” sort=”interestingness-desc”]
Accessibility: **
Steep steps down from the cliff path. At the bottom of the steps several boulders must be negotiated to reach the sand.
Distance on foot: 3.7 miles
Distance by car: 3.7 miles
(To the car park – plus and additional 0.6 miles on foot.)